
Just about every Segulah service is followed by a communal meal of some kind.  Each of these are described on this page, check our calendar of upcoming events on the right side of this page or our calendar to see which type of lunch is scheduled for each date we are having services.

Potluck Lunches

Segulah services are often followed by a potluck vegetarian lunch at a participant’s home. These lunches are opportunities to make new connections within the Segulah community, and between folks who might regularly associate with disparate sections of the Shepherd Park/Silver Spring community.

Our potlucks follow the “two-table” model for dealing with kashrut in a diverse community.  One table is for food that is all vegetarian, and the other table is for food that is also all vegetarian, AND carries a hechsher (kosher certification), OR is made of only hechshered ingredients and cooked in a kitchen that uses only hechshered products.  This ensures that everyone can eat, and that everyone can bring something.

Hosted Lunches

A few times a year, Segulah organizes “hosted lunches.”  For these meals, Segulah will match those interested in hosting with those who wish to be guests.  Whether a meal is vegetarian or hechsher only is at the discretion of the host, guests indicate their preferences when signing up to be hosted and Segulah will match people accordingly.

Lunch “In Place”

When Segulah meets but services are not followed by a potluck or hosted lunches, the Segulah community is invited to join Tifereth Israel’s kiddush lunch or a dairy/parve, hechshered lunch is provided by the minyan.