High Holidays at Segulah

In 5785, Segulah will be meeting for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur! As in past years, we’ll be doing morning services on both days of Rosh Hashanah, and all services on Yom Kippur. We will be using the Birnbaum Machzor, and there will be enough copies for all participants.

We are planning to hold services indoors in the Shepherd Park neighborhood of Washington, DC. Some children’s programming will be based outdoors under a tent, and there will be outdoor seating options for meals. The exact location will be sent to confirmed attendees via e-mail. It will not be Segulah’s regular Shabbat location. Unless conditions change, masking will be optional in accordance with our current COVID protocols. We will be deploying our high-powered commercial grade HEPA air filter in the space.

Children of all ages are an integral part of our community!  There will be programming and babysitting for children.  Babysitting will be available at all times for kids ages 0 through 12, and there will be a tot-age (0-5) service and an elementary-age (6-11) service each morning.  There will also be opportunities for older children to take leadership roles, to volunteer, to help with younger children, and to participate as a cohort in the adult services.

In order to plan for the correct number of people, we ask you to register for all High Holiday events by 11:59 PM ET on Sunday, September 15.  While late registrations will be considered as long as space permits, we appreciate your effort to register by September 15th if at all possible

Please register regardless of whether you can make a financial contribution.

We anticipate that holding these services will cost about $22,000. In order to cover the costs, which include two catered meals and generous compensation for educators, childcare providers, and lead organizers, we suggest a donation of at least $75 per person (child or adult) for Rosh Hashanah, and of at least $75 per person (child or adult) for Yom Kippur. Based on attendance expectations, $110 per person per holiday is more likely to result in costs being covered, so if you are able to be generous and contribute at that level or higher, please do so.

We want Segulah services to be financially accessible to everyone, and we appreciate your gift of any size. Minyan Segulah is incorporated as a religious corporation in the state of Maryland, and all donations are tax-deductible. 

You will be given an opportunity to pledge a donation on the registration form, and you can make that donation via PayPal before completing the registration form. (You do not need to pledge a donation in order to complete registration.) There will be no additional solicitation of donations during the holidays. 


Rosh Hashanah Day 1 – Thursday, October 3

  • Morning services (Pesukei d’zimrah, Shacharit, Musaf):  8:45 AM – approx. 1:00 PM
  • Vegetarian potluck meal following services

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 – Friday, October 4

  • Morning services (Pesukei d’zimrah, Shacharit, Musaf):  8:45 AM – approx. 1:00 PM
  • Catered vegetarian and kosher certified lunch following services

Yom Kippur Evening – Friday, October 11

  • Evening services (Kol Nidrei, Ma’ariv): 6:00 PM

Yom Kippur Day – Saturday, October 12

  • Morning services (Pesukei d’zimrah, Shacharit, Musaf):  9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
  • Afternoon services (Minchah, Neilah): 4:05 PM
  • End of fast: 7:15 PM


Audio files of some of the melodies that have been used during our services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in past years can be found on our High Holidays melodies page.


Click here to donate with PayPal:

Or mail a check (made out to “Minyan Segulah”) to:
Minyan Segulah
c/o Sharon Light
2407 Colston Drive
Silver Spring MD 20910

Minyan Segulah is incorporated as a religious corporation in the state of Maryland, and all donations are tax-deductible.

Find out more

Click here for Segulah High Holiday FAQs. If you still have questions, please email the High Holiday coordinating team.