Get Involved

Segulah is volunteer-led, and relies on volunteers to provide a warm, welcoming place for davening on Shabbat and other Jewish holidays. We appreciate and thank all who show up to be a part of the community! There are many ways you can get involved with Segulah beyond attending services.

Please read below to learn more. To learn more about these opportunities, email [email protected] .

Set-up and Clean-up members

The set-up and clean-up teams ensure chairs, page grids, sifrei torah, and children’s toys are appropriately deployed and returned before and after services. Our team members take turns arriving at Segulah at 9am or staying 10 minutes after services.

Potluck hosts

Segulah hosts potluck lunches about once a month at various locations.  We’re always looking for new nearby spaces to host the community after services.  Attendees bring food and Segulah provides dishes and silverware – hosts need not provide food, dishes, or clean up. Volunteers host 20+ people comfortably within a 20-minute walk of our meeting space.


Segulah is committed to reducing the amount of waste created and reusing dishes and utensils where possible. Our dishwashing team helps wash dishes after lunches. Read more about our potluck lunch system here. Our dishwashing team members wash approximately one load of dishwasher-safe plastic dishes. Someone will pick up the dishes from you before the next potluck. For the “hechsher-only” dishes, have a hechsher-only dishwasher and/or sink. All food served at Segulah is dairy / parve.


We typically have three gabbai roles on Shabbat: The floor gabbai’s responsibilities include assigning aliyot, making announcements, and generally monitoring davening. The gabbai rishon manages the Torah service, calls honorees, and corrects the Torah reading. The gabbai sheini also corrects Torah reading and keeps an eye on things during the Torah service to make sure everything is running smoothly. Floor gabbais arrive at 9:30am and stay until the end of service and are able to follow a script and assign honors according to community practices. The “Rishon” and “Sheini” gabaim have a strong background on how to correct Torah readers. Training available!

Torah, Haftarah, and Megillah Readers

Readers chant the Torah, Haftarah, or Megillah reading. We read the full Parasha and Haftarah during our  Shabbat services. Our readers read Torah, Haftarah, and/or Megillah clearly, accurately, and smoothly.

Service leaders

Our typical Shabbat service has three service leaders: one for psukei d’zimra, one for Shacharit, and one for Musaf. Segulah services are energetic and songful, and our service leaders prepare in advance to facilitate the community’s prayer experience. Service leaders work closely with the services coordinator to prepare.

EAS (coordinating team)

For more information about EAS and how to get involved there, check our Volunteers and Teams page.

If you’re interested in volunteering in any way, email [email protected] or reach out on our Facebook group.